Friday, August 21, 2009

Site Map for google blogs

I was trying to find a way for quite some time, to submit my blog’s site map to google. I know for sure that if I can do that, then most of my pages will get indexed and that is what I wanted. So I was looking for tutorials and finally by reading from here and there I got it on my own. The thing is very simple, there is an rss.xml file being generated for every blog which just contains the information on the blog in plain xml format and no special formatting. So, if we can use this as a site map xml then it will be great. So, that is what we will be doing now.

So our first step is to sign in to the google webmaster tools and then go to the site details where we want the site map xml. Once we select the site (Note: I am expecting that you have already added your blog on the webmaster tools function. If not I will show that in the next article) go to the site configuration option as displayed in the image. It will be on the top left corner of the screen.
There you will find a button at the top “Submit a Sitemap”. Once you click on it you will get a screen as shown in the image, there you will find an input text field. There you can see the url of your blog. Just add “rss.xml” inside the text box and then you click “Submit Sitemap”.

Once done, you will come to a screen where it will show that the “rss.xml” file is being added and there will be a small clock like icon in the status column. This shows that you have added the xml file properly. Now, a very important step which needs to be followed.
From the screen above go to the option called “settings” in the left hand site of the page. Once you get there you will find preffered domain option. Here you have to select “Display URLs as”. this way the crawler will know what type of URL to look for. Once done save it and you are done.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

10 Tips to help you get there

Here is a small list of things that should be kept in mind when bikers go for a long journey. Got reference from a lot of sources and also from personal experience and so compiled these 11 very important points.
  1. One of the most important things will always be to get your bike serviced. Get it serviced from an authorized dealer for the assurance of quality. Check for oil level, clutch, break and other important parts. Also check the condition of the tires. If they are old, then it is best to get them replaced.
  2. Arrange for help even before you start the journey. It is good to keep the details of the service centers which will be neat to your destination and the places through which you will pass. Also keep mobile numbers of hospitals and other transport facilities of places near by in case of emergency.
  3. A riding gear is very useful when ever you are going for a long journey. A good helmet, a riding jacket (armored will be better), riding pants, riding gloves, knee caps and shin armours. These are few things which are very useful to have. And most important a sturdy pair of shoes. It is also very important to know that along with the helmet, it is very important to have a good visor to it. It is always good to have a scratch proof film over your visor so that you can see clearly. Also if you are driving in the night then it is good to have some kind of anti glare protection.
  4. It is never a good idea to have any kind of alcohol when you are driving or you are about to drive. It may be very tempting to have a chilled beer in a sunny afternoon, but don’t do it. It affects even the best bikers.
  5. Water intake during the journey is very essential. It is a good habit to drink water during the long journey as your body tend to get dry and dehydrated fast when you are on a bike.
  6. It is a good habit to carry the medicines which you tend to consume or few very common ones like Disprine etc so that by chance if you have any such problem, then you can take those.
  7. Food – how can we avoid food? It is a very important thing to know that you must have a very delicate balance when it comes to food, if you eat too less then you will get tired quickly. And if you eat too much then you will feel sleepy. So it is always good to have a good breakfast and then a healthy lunch. And also you can always stop at places and have something to eat.
  8. Time – the trick is by no doubt “slow and steady wins the race”. Yes, too fast can tire you out very quickly and there is no point in running too slow and cause problem for others. Ride at a very smooth speed like 50 to 60 kms per hour. At this pace you are less prone to getting exhausted quickly and also you bike will not get heated up quickly.
  9. Fuel is an important factor. Calculate before starting the journey how much fuel you may consume and always try to get you tank filled when the level is low. Don’t wait for the very end moment. And don’t even consider the reserve when you are calculating the distance over the available petrol. Reserve capacity is really for reserve. And yes it is a nice idea to carry a bottle filled with fuel if the things get really bad.
  10. Now the last point which I feel is obvious that we should always understand that our body has a fatigue level. So, if the journey is really a big one and especially if you are covering the distance in days. Then it is a very good idea to rest after regular intervals. This is good for both your body and your bike. Take small breaks of 5 to 10 mins. And if you are still feeling tired then it is better to park your bike and take a small nap. A fresh and energetic body is always better than a tired one for long journey.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Anubis is considered as the illegimate son of Osiris and Nephthys

He presides over the embalming rituals and is the intermediary between the deceased and the Judgment Hall; the official guardian of the necropolis.

The appearance of Anubis is determined by the part he plays in the Egyptian pantheon. Just as Wepwawet of Asyut and Khentimentiu of Abydos, he belongs to the group of canine divinities. He depicted as a jackal and recalls the dods that haunted the desert surrounding the necropolis. By assimilation, certain funeral deities have been given the appearance of these animals and have become the keepers of the dwellings of eternity.

According to legends after Osiris was murdered by his brother Seth, Isis discovered that she had been betrayed by her husband, who had had relations with her sister Nephthys. A son was born of this union: Anubis. A crown of sweet clover left by Osiris on Nephthy’s bed gave Isis the definite proof of god’s infidelity. But it seems Osiris had mistaken one sister for another… afraid of warth of her official husband, Seth, Nephthys hid the baby in the marshes. Isis, who unfortunately could not have a child with her husband went and searched for him. She traveled throughout the country and finally found him: she fed him and brought him up to be her warder and most faithful companion.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Ashes 4th Test 2009

After a very bad defeat in the fourth test match, I think England will have to do something about their middle order. While the Australian bowlers looked very good on a pitch which was good for both batsmen and bowlers, the England batsmen were keener to rest in the pavilion. And when you have such a horrible first session, then I think there is no possibility to come back from that situation. Moreover the Australian batsmen were also in complete command. The bowlers of the England line up looked flat and without any venom. But whenever they bowled at good lengths, they were rewarded. But that was very rare to see. I mean they were almost everywhere on the pitch except for the right length. And that is why the Australian batsmen also faced no problem as such to score runs. All in all I think now the series is in a very interesting point. Final test being very crucial for England cause even if Australian’s draw the last match they retain the Ashes as they won it last time. So for England it is a do or die situation. But the main thing is Flintoff. I mean he can make a big difference and let’s hope he will be playing in the last test match.

Amun, The king of Gods

The Egyptian texts describe him as “The king of Gods.” However, if one is to judge from the mythological tales, nothing predestined the deity to have this status. In the Old Kingdom, Amun seems to have been relatively unknown, as the only mention of his name appears in the “The Pyramid Texts,” the first inscription if which dates back to Unas, a pharaoh of the 5th Dynasty. In fact Amun’s integration into the pantheon goes back to the Middle Kingdom. He appeared in Thebes, and progressively his cult began its ascendancy. Many attributes of other divine beings were conferred upon him, and he became, at the beginning of the 18th Dynasty, a state god, universal and creative.

The origin of Amun is quite mysterious. For some, he was one of the eight primeval gods of the cosmogony at Hermopolis, known as Amun and coupled with Amaunet. For others, he was a god of air, wind and atmosphere, who came from Middle Egypt. For others he was born in Thebes, which would explain why his main shrine was in the city. But whatever Amun’s origin, it seems perfectly clear that until the Middle Kingdom, his part in the religious organization of the country was relatively small. On the other hand, after the 12th Dynasty his cult became very popular and Amun quickly became the dominant figure of the Egyptian Pantheon. As his reputation increased, the clergy decided to create a theology in complete harmony with his new personality.

The Theban cosmogony combined elements from Hermopolis, Heliopolis and Memphis, to which were added new attributes. It was told that at the beginning of the time the snake Kematef, “the one who has accomplished his time” emerged from Nun at exactly the explacement of the town of Thebes. He started the process of creation and, when his time was up, he gave bith to Irta, “the one who made the earth,” and retired into a long sleep.