Thursday, August 13, 2009


Anubis is considered as the illegimate son of Osiris and Nephthys

He presides over the embalming rituals and is the intermediary between the deceased and the Judgment Hall; the official guardian of the necropolis.

The appearance of Anubis is determined by the part he plays in the Egyptian pantheon. Just as Wepwawet of Asyut and Khentimentiu of Abydos, he belongs to the group of canine divinities. He depicted as a jackal and recalls the dods that haunted the desert surrounding the necropolis. By assimilation, certain funeral deities have been given the appearance of these animals and have become the keepers of the dwellings of eternity.

According to legends after Osiris was murdered by his brother Seth, Isis discovered that she had been betrayed by her husband, who had had relations with her sister Nephthys. A son was born of this union: Anubis. A crown of sweet clover left by Osiris on Nephthy’s bed gave Isis the definite proof of god’s infidelity. But it seems Osiris had mistaken one sister for another… afraid of warth of her official husband, Seth, Nephthys hid the baby in the marshes. Isis, who unfortunately could not have a child with her husband went and searched for him. She traveled throughout the country and finally found him: she fed him and brought him up to be her warder and most faithful companion.

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